QR-API.com vs QR Code Tiger API

Compare QR-API.com with QR Code Tiger API to see QR-API.com is the best alternative to QR Code Tiger API.

1. Pricing

QR-API.com price is much more affordable compared to QR Code Tiger price.

Visit QR Code Tiger API pricing page, they provide 3 monthly plan:

  • $7/month for 500 requests
  • $16/month for 3000 requests
  • $37/month for 10,000 requests

* Note that QR Code Tiger is not just a QR Code API service, they provide more features with dynamic QR code. If that's fit better to your use cases, you should consider using their service.

At QR-API.com, we have much better price for you, and no monthly subscriptions at all:

  • $14 for 100,000 quota
  • $42 for 500,000 quota
  • $79 for 2,000,000 quota

You can extend your quota any time, quota are stacked and never expired.

2. Features

Similar features:

  • Support POST and GET request
  • Return image format: PNG, SVG QR code
  • Custom your QR code with styling and add logo to QR code

What QR Code Tiger API do better:

  • Able to add frame with text to your QR code.
  • Using API to manage their other services.

What QR-API.com do better:

  • Return JPEG, PDF and EPS QR code.
  • Add and manage multiple API keys, assign quota to each key to limit their usage.
  • Log, track and export report for API requests.
  • Upload and manage logos.

3. Latency

There is no public information about where they located their server, if you want to try, you should purchase $7 plan to test the latency.

If your server far from their server, the latency may increase.

At QR-API.com, we currently host our API in the US. If you need support to open new server, please open a request.