Compare with API-ninjas to see is the best alternative to API-ninjas.
1. Pricing
API-ninjas QR code API has better price compare to, but we offer much more features, see below.
Visit API-ninjas pricing page, they provide 3 monthly plan:
- $19/month for 200,000 requests
- $49/month for 1,000,000 requests
- $159/month for 5,000,000 requests
* Note that API-ninjas provide more API types than You may want to visit their site so find out.
At, we don't have monthly subscription plans, you buy package to extend your requests:
- $14 for 100,000 quota
- $42 for 500,000 quota
- $79 for 2,000,000 quota
You can extend your quota any time, quota are stacked and never expired.
2. Features
Similar features:
- Support GET request.
- Return image format: PNG, PDF, EPS, SVG QR code.
What do better:
- Support POST request.
- Highly customize QR code with logo.
- Add and manage multiple API keys, assign quota to each key to limit their usage.
- Log, track and export reports for API requests.
- Upload and manage logos.
3. Latency
You should try their free plan to test the latency.
If your server far from their server, the latency may increase.
At, we currently host our API in the US. If you need support to open new server, please open a request.